TAYACServices UNDER- 14YRSTrackSprints: 100m, 200m, and 400mMiddle Distance: 800m, 1500m, 3000m, & 3000m steeplechaseHurdles: 60mRelays: 4 x100m, and 4 x400mFieldJumps: Long jump & High jump.Throws: Shot put, Discus throw, and Javelin throw UNDER- 20YRSTrackSprints: 100m, 200m, and 400mMiddle Distance:800m,1500m,and 3000m&3000m steeplechaseLong Distance: 5000m, and 10,000mHurdles: 60m, 110m, & 400mRelays: 4 x100m, and 4 x400mFieldJumps: Long jump, Triple jump, High jump, and Poe vaultThrows: Shot put, Discus throw, Hammer throw, Javelin throw Combined eventsPentathlonHeptathlonDecathlon